Blazen Budz is Southern Ontario’s leading supplier of delicious recreational and medicinal pot edibles. Our weed / cannabis / marijuana delivery service reps can show you how to order any number of affordable edibles from our large inventory of products. From gummies to chocolate, baked goods, and more, our delectable edibles are available in different levels of tolerance and ranges of potencies to suit the needs of each and every customer we serve. To ensure safe to consume, top grade products, the edibles that we sell in and around Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Brantford, Welland, and Simcoe are thoroughly lab tested. Our lineup of cannabis edibles is constantly increasing, so be on the lookout for more products that will deliver the results you want on a regular basis!  Take a peek at our online store for updates.

Be sure to ask one of our marijuana delivery service staff members about our sativa, indica, and hybrid flower strains, our oil based concentrates, and our convenient prerolls too. Read through our customer reviews for highlights of their wonderful experiences with our company and our products! Contact us to place your zero cost shipping order, or with any questions you may have.  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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